Prin jocuri tematice (sau ameritrash*) ne referim la jocuri care scot in evidenta tema, nu mecanica (in general au teme fantasy, S.F. sau militare), se bazeaza destul de mult pe noroc, conflict direct intre jucatori si exista in general posibilitatea ca un jucator sa fie eliminat, ceea ce este rar in jocurile euro. In general, au extrem de multe componente (token-uri, de exemplu) si regulamente foarte stufoase. De multe ori sunt mai lungi decat jocurile euro.
Cateva exemple: Dune, Runewars, Arkham Horror, Last Night on Earth, War of the Ring, Battlestar Galactica, Mansions of Madness, etc.
Board Game Geek wrote:* Thematic Games have long been referred to as "Ameritrash" games. BoardGameGeek has recently created a category system for games, and named the category for these games Thematic Games, argueably a more professional name for the category and less offensive to the game publishers themselves.